Documentation Overview

Documentation is split up into 3 section. The Quick-start guide, API documentation and Examples. The aim is to keep this library as simple as possible and not require excessive documentation.


Include the javascript source file in your html document.

<script src="//"></script>

Create a queue instance and enqueue a function along with a dataset.

// Once initiated the queue manager automatically starts waiting for queued data
const Q = new TimedQ();
// Add data to the queue, will be processed immediately
Q.enqueue(function(param1, param2) { console.log(param1 + param2); }, [
  ['data for param1','data for param2'],
  ['more data for param1','more data for param2'],
  ['even more data for param1','even more data for param2'],

API documentation


Class: TimedQ

TimedQ.qgroup(signature, index, options)

Create a new TimeQ.qgroup, a queue group is used for separating different queues of functions. Every unique enqueue signature has it’s own qgroup


signature: Reference, Signature used to identify qgroup, this could be a String, Object, Integer, Function, whatever a Map() supports as a key

index: Integer, The array index of this qgroup, usually equal to the number of qgroups currently created.

options: Object, (optional) qgroup options

Returns: TimedQ.qgroup, TimedQ qgroup reference

TimedQ.get(signature, callback)

Gets a qgroup by it’s signature. If the qgroup doesn’t exist than it is created on the automatically


signature: Reference, Signature to get

callback: function, (optional) If the qgroup doesn’t exist and we are creating one, what is the callback function (if not the same as the signature)

Returns: TimedQ.qgroup, reference

TimedQ.enqueue(signature, data, options)

Enqueue/Add data to be run in a queue.


signature: Reference, qgroup signature (Function) to assign the data to

data: Array, 2-dimensional array of data, first level is for each function call, second level is for each parameter. For example: [ [‘firstcall-param1’,’firstcall-param2’], [‘secondcall-param1’,’secondcall-param2’], … ]

options: Object, (optional) Options to configure the queue such as a callback Function if the signature is not the Function itself

Returns: TimedQ.qgroup, reference


Dequeue/remove and return one parameter set from a specific queue


signature: Reference, qgroup signature idententifier

Returns: Array, - Set of parameters


Starts the queue manager monitoring of the qgroups


Stops the queue manager monitoring of the qgroups


The main processing function. Manages how many queue items to process, runs them and tracks timing data against each qgroup.
